Tips for Working from Home

Tips for Working from Home

Have you recently starred working remote?  Whether it’s temporary or a new, full-time journey for you, it can be an enjoyable adventure! But, figuring out how to be productive working from home can be a tricky path to follow. Try out these tips to help you figure out how to keep your focus and make your time at home a success.

8 Working from Home Tips for Success

  1. Set a schedule.

Just like when you’re in the office, you need regular working hours. If you have a clear-cut start and end of the day, it can help you maintain the balance between work and home life. If you need help sticking to a schedule, there are many time-keeping apps to assist you.

  1. Have a dedicated work space.

Ideally, you should have a separate room for your office that you can turn into your ideal working space. But not every home has that ability. Many of us live in shared apartments or homes. If you don’t have a room to use, pick a space that will create the least amount of distractions while still being comfortable to work in.

  1. Create some rules for your family.

Working from home can mean that your new coworkers are you spouse, children and pets. In order to keep interruptions to a minimum, set up some ground rules for them to follow. If your children are working on homework, perhaps they can ask you homework questions between 10:00 and 10:30. If you’re on a phone call with a client, maybe they have reading time in separate rooms so there’s no arguing. And if your spouse is also working from home, try working in separate rooms so your working habits don’t interfere with the other’s.

  1. Remember to take breaks.

Stepping away from the computer for a break is an important time. It gives you a moment to recalibrate, give your eyes a rest, and reset your mind for the next assignment. If you don’t know your company’s policy on breaks, talk to your HR department so you know how much time you can take for yourself. When you do take a break, try to take the full time.

  1. Try to get out of the house.

Use one of your breaks or time during lunch to get outside for some fresh air. It’s easy to forget when you’re home all day, but your body needs exercise. And you don’t need to go far — take a walk around the block, weed the garden or play fetch with the dog in the backyard.

  1. Take sick days when you need to.

Because you’re already working from a comfortable space, you may feel that you can power through your flu or migraine and get your work done. But when you’re sick, you don’t have the same kind of focus as when you’re well. It’s better to take the time to rest and feel better so you can put 100% into your work in a day or two.

  1. Overcommunicate with your colleagues and clients.

It’s important to reach out to those you work with often. When you finish an important task, let them know. If you see that you need to move a deadline, send them an email. Because you don’t see each other in person every day while working from home, you don’t have the ability to stop by someone’s desk and chat with them about a project. While you’re working remotely, overcommunication is the best policy.

  1. Learn how to transition out of work mode.

As a remote worker, you no longer have that clear-cut, end-of-the-day signal of picking up your things and heading to your car. That means it’s easy to extend your work hours because your brain doesn’t have the winddown time of a commute. Find something to signal the end of the day for you. Set an alarm on your phone for the same time each day and use your favorite song. Take the dog for a walk. Shut down the computer and start dinner. Whatever you choose, pick something that will help you switch off work mode.

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