How to Ensure Your Kids Follow Good Hygiene Habits

How to Ensure Your Kids Follow Good Hygiene Habits

One of the best ways to stop the spread of germs is to practice good hygiene habits. And it’s never too early to start teaching your children. If you’re wondering how to teach kids about hygiene, follow the tips below!

4 Good Hygiene Practices for Kids

1. Washing Your Hands

Washing your hands properly is one of the easiest ways to dispel germs. If your children are still too small to wash their hands for themselves, you can start by wiping them with a damp washcloth and soap after playing, feeding and diaper changes. This helps them to establish a routine early on. As they get older, you can work with them on washing hands after:

• Spending time with someone sick.
• Playing outside.
• Touching pets and other animals.
• Coughing or sneezing into their hands.
• Noticing that their hands feel dirty.
If you want to make hand washing fun, pick a twenty second song they enjoy (many people choose the ABCs, especially if they’re teaching their children the alphabet). Have them sing the song from start to finish while they wash so they can learn how long it takes to wash your hands thoroughly.

2. Brushing Teeth

Personal hygiene for kids also includes oral care, and it begins before they even have teeth. While they’re infants, you can use a soft washcloth or a rubber finger toothbrush before and during teething. Once they have all their baby teeth in, you can upgrade them to a regular toothbrush. To encourage regular brushing habits, have your child pick out their own toothbrush from the store, such as their favorite character or color.
Once your child is brushing their teeth on their own, it’s a good idea to teach them proper brushing procedure. Have them pick their favorite song that’s about two minutes long. When the song is over, they’re done brushing.

3. Cleaning Skin and Hair

Bath time can be a fun experience for small children, which can help them quickly adapt the habit of bathing. Once they reach five or so years of age, kids can begin to bathe themselves. Before then, take the opportunity to show them how to clean themselves well and what to do if they get soap in their eyes. For added fun, try goggles or a plastic visor in their favorite color. If you opt for the visor, set aside some craft time to help them decorate it with waterproof markers and add-ons.

4. Nail Hygiene

Nail hygiene is an extension of hand washing. Because there’s such a small gap between the tip of the fingernail and your skin, germs and bacteria can easily hibernate and thrive here — especially if your child loves to play outside. Have them pick a day of the week after bath time to scrub and trim their nails. There are many different options for animal-shaped and colorful nail brushes to make cleaning more fun.

Personal Storage with Self Storage Plus

Eventually, your children will begin to grow up and grow out of their colorful hygiene tools. If you have another child who can grow into some of them, or if you don’t want to throw them out for nostalgia’s sake, a storage unit may be the answer. A storage unit can be used to hold outgrown clothes, shoes, toys and more until they’re ready to be given to a friend or used for a younger sibling.
Self Storage Plus offers storage units near you in the greater Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD areas. If you’re not sure what unit will be the best size for you and your family, our Size Guide can lend a hand. And if you have questions or concerns, we’ll be happy to answer them.
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