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Where to Store Your Christmas Presents this Year

Where to Store Your Christmas Presents this Year

“The Joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others’ burdens, easing each other’s loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of the holidays.” —W.C. Jones

The holidays are almost here, and — even after a long, stressful year — there is much to celebrate. One way to do that is by exchanging gifts with our loved ones. Unfortunately, if you live with those loved ones, it can be difficult to keep presents away from prying eyes. If you want to keep gifts out of reach of small, prying hands, here are a few places you can try hiding gifts this year.

How to Stop Kids from Finding Presents this Holiday Season

Looking for some places where your friends and family can’t find their gifts for this holiday season? Try storing them in these places:

  • The basement or attic. You may immediately think of keeping unwrapped gifts in your bedroom closet. However, just like when you were a kid, that is likely the first place your children will look when your back is turned. Instead, place them somewhere a little more inconspicuous like the basement or attic. If you have a few plain, cardboard boxes laying around, place the gifts inside and label them with something misleading like “Tax Records” or “2018 Bills and Statements.”
  • Somewhere that’s already off limits. Is there already a place in your home others aren’t allowed? A hallway closet, perhaps? Maybe a drawer in your bedroom? That’s a perfect place to keep presents you don’t want others to see.
  • With your cleaning supplies. If you’re the only one in your home who reaches for the vacuum or multi-surface cleaner, you can use this to your advantage during the holidays. Stash gifts on the shelf behind the bottles of cleaning solution or under some rags and sponges.
  • In the back of your car. The most common time for your family to start snooping is when you’re out of the house. But they won’t be able to find the presents if you take the gifts with you! Just be sure to cover them with a blanket or trunk cover to keep other eyes from becoming too curious.
  • In the kids’ bedrooms. This may sound like the last place you want to put presents, but it’s likely the last place your kids will look. They’re more likely to go for your closet or under your bed, instead of checking the top shelf of their own closets.
  • In a storage unit. Still out of spots in the house to place the bounty of goods for your loved ones? A storage unit may come in handy. With a private space outside of the home, you won’t have to worry about children or significant others delving into places they shouldn’t be to find their holiday presents. Have a large gift that can’t be hidden behind cleaning products or under a bed? A storage unit can solve that problem.

Try Hiding Gifts with Self Storage Plus

Self Storage Plus can help make hiding gifts easier for you. Our storage units come in all sizes, so there’s sure to be something to fit all of your holiday presents — and our 5×5 lockers are a great place to start. Then, once the holidays are over, you now have the ideal place for all of your seasonal items, giving you back more space in your home.

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